July 06, 2008

Marriage Tag: Sorry It took so long Lyndee!!

How long have you been married? 28 years
July 5,1980 (our anniversary was yesterday!)

How old is your spouse? 49

Who eats more? He does

Who said I love you first? He did

Who is taller? Bob he is 5'10

Who sings better? Bob is a better singer, but my preschoolers think my voice is great

Who is smarter? we are equal but we have our certain strengths

Who controls the TV remote? We share

Whose temper is worse? Bobs

Who does the laundry? I do

Who does the dishes? I usually do

Who cooks dinner? We both do

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Bob does

Who is more stubborn? We both are pretty stubborn

Who is the first to admit they're wrong? Me Bob thinks he is NEVER wrong!!

Whose parents do you see more? Mine now.. it used to be Bobs but they have moved out of state

Who has more friends? I do, I tend to be a social butterfly

Who has more siblings? I have 3 David,Pam & Darrin , Bob has 1 Kaye Lynn

Who wears the pants in the family? Bob wear the pants, but I tell him what color!


Leslie said...

Cute! I loved reading this! You guys are a great couple Lisa!

Cassondra said...

So fun to read! You two are a great match!